Monday, March 16, 2009

Postsingular 2

I was disappointed just like many other people in the classroom to how "normal" the ending of the story was. It was hard to wrap my mind around the idea that everything was okay and everyone had a happily ever after considering how different the whole idea and action of the book was. The concepts were so original and creative yet the ending wasn't strong. I think it may have been more effective for the book to end happily with the atomic bomb blowing the nants to shreds. Instead we were given a love scene between two lovers and the sudden epiphany Jay Jay had with the knowledge of the last chord. I thought it was interesting how the world that Jay jay dreamed about where the nants did take over became very under detailed and only people with money could afford to live in the areas that looked similar to earth, otherwise people walked on gray sidewalks and sat under trees with green triangles as leaves. I can't personally imagine living in a world where nothing was real, but generated from technology. The was this magical element to the story that also existed in the story Midnight Robber, and unlike the other novel we read this quarter the magical sense made the story come alive in a different way than simple science fiction. I really liked the concept of smart air. How cool would it be to be able to understand and work with the trees and the rocks? The natural telepathy was much more rewarding to the characters than the technological orphids. The orphids helped people but they also helped people be deceitful and the whole sense of privacy was abandoned because everything was visible through the orphidnet. The smart air, instead, gave people back their privacy and also allowed them to connect more with the natural earth and their natural brain instead of relying on the orphids to tell and teach them everything they needed to know. After all, the Big Pig was supposed to be a helpful source for people to use and in the end the "AI" became selfish and wanted everything under her(his) control. Which, in a sense was the same as the nants. The Big Pig wanted everything to be virtual because she would rule everything and become that much smarter. So, although I'm not impressed with the ending of the story I'm happy that earth didn't turn into vearth.

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