Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Filth 2

What an imagination these authors have...The sex is incredible, the idea of one man's genes becoming spread throughout all of mankind is crazy to think about. The giant sperms attacking all the woman and the man behind the madness was astonishing. It's all so surprising because of the ridiculousness (is that a word) of the concepts. Doctor Von Vermun is an interesting character; I was surprised to find out that he was in fact a villain instead of a hero. The idea of a weapon of increased time being created is out of this world. It would be the ultimate weapon; forcing people to age at an alarming rate to the point where they die of age or other diseases. It's scary to think about. One thing that really stuck out to me -- although I'm not sure how important it is but -- the way the comic fuzzes out the men's genitalia but women's breast are constantly displayed. Is this because if the dick was actually drawn the story itself would be considered pornography? Not that I really want to see drawn cocks, but I think it's unfair for the illustrators to display the women and not the men. The world in which this graphic novel is created is very different from ours in the sense that sex and drugs rule everyone’s existence (or so it seems) yet it is still a very male dominated society. Not that I'm saying our society isn't ruled by these factors, but it's not nearly as prominent and accepted like it is in this story. For example, the cop name Nick smokes crack (on and off the job) and although his partner doesn't do it himself he accepts it as a normal thing to do. In our society, (well around this area at least, I'm not sure what it's like in major cities like LA or New York, but I imagine it's not exactly like this) chances are the cop would try to hide it more. Also, he mentions it's a recreational drug and partnered with his apparent 'freedom' in engaging in smoking crack it's legal in the land where this takes place. I got a glimpse of the acceptance of substance abuse and drug use at the beginning of the comic with the dope smoking chimp, but it escalated into crack. It's surprising that it's even imaginable that a society would be accepting of something so corrupt and life damaging. I understand smoking weed (I don't even consider it a drug) but crack is another thing; most people can't live a functioning life when they're addicted to it, and half the time they don't live from the experience but die from it. Weed, on the other hand doesn't kill people it simply makes people unmotivated.Back to the idea of the male dominated society...the women are targeted when Tex Porneau (these names are hilarious by the way) unleashes his new "star" of his new or "ultimate" porno. Once again I see that women are thought of to be important or useful when considering procreating and discarded as mere sex objects when procreating is not the object of the man's desire. As this 'text' shows, men can provide sexual pleasure for other men but what they can't do is repopulate the world without women. I feel that obviously - based from the various (and obsessed almost) 'anal' references in Tex's movie titles - he views women this way (good for certain things because he obviously prefers anal). Although, our society is male dominated and so is this one, homosexual sex between men is looked down upon, and here it is almost preferred (although, on a side note, the porno magazines and movies have all involved women and men so this sudden change is odd and I'm not sure what to think). I also don't really get what Tex's ultimate agenda is. Why does he want the world to be full of Anders Kilmakks? Or does he even realize that this is what he's doing?

1 comment:

  1. I think that the stuff about gender that you point to is rather important for reading this text. I also think that these are choices that the author actively made. So when a characters genitals are blurred out who is doing it? Some form of the hand perhaps?
